Day 1 of the trip of trips gets off to a rocky start,
consisting mainly of poor memory engagement, poor time allocation and appalling route finding skills. Thankfully with a mere 2 pitch VS 4c selected as a warm up (which ended up as the main route of the day and the warm down also) a definate feeling of tranquility abounds. 
Multi pitch then, a slight change from the ordinary peak 14m short sharp challenge. Here the ground isn't a concern, rather the belay ledge is the thing you want to avoid falling onto. In addition, the amount of concentration maintained, looking after both partner and self, creates a great deal of fatigue. Pitch one is perhaps a soft S 4a up a slab and arete, which tops out onto a large belay ledge. Here, a hanging stance is assumed, ropes racked over a leg, as the second is brought up. A mindful transfer and a step to the left off the belay until shouts from below point out that it is rightwards that the route goes. Right, up left and, a step into spacewith a drop 35m straight down. Wow. Exhileration, self talk and it's done. Rather than fear, the second half is found to be pure thoughtful acceptance of risk and confidence in ability.